Introducing the 9GEMs

GIIS’ 9GEMs offers a dynamic framework aimed at fostering all-round character development in students through an integrated, holistic approach to learning. Fusing the best of both Eastern and Western educational approaches, the 9GEMs model takes value-based learning beyond academics. The ultimate goal? Shaping future global citizens.

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Academic Excellence

Academic Excellence is the hallmark of GIIS. We place the highest emphasis on excellence in academia, which is our primary GEM in the award-winning 9GEMs framework of holistic education. Through the integration of best practises in pedagogy, latest technology to facilitate education and the provision of a conducive environment, GIIS ensures that every student is exposed to collaborative, project-based learning techniques and cross-campus exchanges, to optimise their learning outcomes. 

At the new GIIS SMART Campus, these practises will be elevated to a higher plane and have a greater reach, as the implementation will involve latest tools and facilities that will better aid the variety of educational projects, experiential learning and team discussions that are useful for 21st century learning.

Through newer teaching methods, wider exposure to knowledge, state-of-the-art libraries and dedicated student rooms for many activities, GIIS SMART Campus will make academic excellence synonymous with our pedagogy.


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Sports Excellence

Sports fields are classrooms where students learn the importance of teamwork and dedication. It teaches hard work, and sportsmanship which helps build character. At GIIS, we are committed to shaping our students’ skills at various sports activities, and honing them into well-rounded individuals. Progress is measured qualitatively and quantitatively to help students understand their strengths and focus on improving their weaknesses. As part of our 9GEMs framework, this method of providing holistic education focuses on just on intellectual abilities of our students but also the fitness of their body. 

At GIIS SMART Campus, in addition to brand new facilities, better indoor and outdoor play fields and wider options to choose from, we have additional tools of sports analytics - a unique system that captures on-field data to provide player information that can be reprocessed to enhance the overall performance of our students. Our basketball court, for instance, is connected through sensors to analytics used at the level of American NBA, which measures every movement of the player to inform how games can be improved in future. 



Art is an expression of thoughts, emotions and desires - an area of pedagogy which is as important as academia and sports. Students of a certain age connect more closely with the outside world through various forms of art - like dancing, painting, singing and crafting among others. At GIIS, an early exposure to digital and visual art helps our students explore and discover the artist in themselves, which in turn helps them to express their innermost thoughts through easy platforms. This fosters their creativity and promotes out-of-the-box thinking and imagination. 

At GIIS SMART Campus,  there are dedicated spaces and rooms especially beneficial to students who want to explore the artist within. Dance studios, audio-visual studios, performing arts studios and many other platforms will be available to them to find their inner calling as artists, as well as polish their natural talent to add a third dimension to their overall personality. 

It's a day full of dynamism and enthusiasm at the GIIS Balestier sports day. Students are getting to showcase their talent and perform their best in a wide range of sports alongside cultivating their teambuilding and leadership skills. Watch the highlights in aerial view here:

An award instituted to recognise student excellence in various fields not only in academics but also in sports and the whole range of performing arts. Awards includes - Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Award for academic proficiency, Chandrakant Borde Award for Sports Excellence, Dr Justice CS Dharmadhikari Award for Co-Curricular Excellence and Global Schools Foundation President's Award for All Rounders.


Personality Development

A combination of our three basic GEMS of academic, sports and arts excellence, is Personality Development which focuses on cultivating various methods for overall character building and growth of our students. Under this GEM, students work on various skills in their repertoire including communication, social networking, confidence building and teamwork through activities like theatre, music, writing, photography, public speaking etc. The idea is an all round development of the student, which will be an indisputable asset in the long run.

At GIIS SMART Campus, platforms like Maker studios, culinary labs, ceramic and pottery labs, languages labs are new additions to our existing programmes on Personality Development. They are dedicated spaces for our students to explore and involve themselves in projects other than curricular and extracurricular activities. 

Creativity & Innovation

Creativity is not just about being an artist, and innovation is not just about being an academician. In today’s world, creativity is an asset that has multiple uses in multiple sectors through a number of means and tools for a game-changing outcome. Innovation is also the name of the game when a new idea originates every day disrupting the old way of doing things. At GIIS, we treat Creativity and Innovation as a GEM, which will help our students  adopt and fit into the new-age dynamics of ‘ideas changing the world’. The GIIS Comprehensive Creativity Development Programme (CCDP) helps students develop creative and innovative new approaches to problem-solving through a broad range of empirical and theoretical ways. 

At our GIIS SMART Campus, we have provided students with various avenues like Maker spaces or Student Internet TV or Environment Labs to creatively use tools to bring innovation to the table. For instance, students who have worked on scientific ideas can make videos of these experiments and present them on channels like Student Internet TV for maximum exposure to their projects.

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Entrepreneurship & Leadership

One of the most important GEMs in our 9GEMs framework of holistic learning, Entrepreneurship and Leadership are skills that are taught to GIIS students through various initiative to awaken and cultivate the leader in them. Through various lectures, projects and counselling sessions, students are taught the art of critical thinking, effective communication, decision making and problem-solving. The GIIS Leadership Lecture Series, and the GIIS Entrepreneurship Programme help students engage with experts and industry leaders on a highest level, while Student Councils help them engage and innovate through mutual interaction. 

At GIIS SMART Campus, we will have dedicated spaces like multipurpose halls, student rooms etc to engage with students in a more sophisticated and high-tech way. Specially designed lecture rooms will provide the space to hold talks and discussion series with visiting educators, and virtual classrooms will enable connectivity with experts from around the world at the click of a button.

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Universal Values and Ethics

At GIIS, we believe in producing more than just good students, good leaders and good citizens. We believe in producing good human beings. Across many of its campuses, the school has Global Indian Mahatma Gandhi Centre for Universal Values which gives insights into the teachings of Father of Indian Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, as well as other world leaders like Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa. This well-structured, integrative approach focuses on community welfare, practicing kindness, mutual cultural respect and the need for peace.

At GIIS SMART Campus, we will have a dedicated museum besides the Gandhi Centre, to imbibe into students these very values of peace and brotherhood, as well as to enable students get a first hand experience of humble the lifestyle of Mahatma Gandhi. 

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Community Care

An important GEM for an international school like GIIS is to have their students connect with the community in which they are based. This is done through various green initiatives and kindness movements, which nurture children into being socially responsible citizens of tomorrow. Students are encouraged to undertake various activities and projects - both within the school and in the community - to initiate projects which will raise awareness about the environment, about communities and about the society in which we live. 

At GIIS SMART Campus, these initiatives will involve mingling with the community on occasions of major festivals, important events and projects of international repute and importance.


Skills Development

At GIIS, we have distinct definitions for various initiatives that make our students well-rounded individuals with proven academic and non-academic skills. Our skills development programme is designed to teach them to differentiate between career, a vocation and life skills, which will give them options to choose lifepaths that are both meaningful and satisfying.

Formulated by our Global Centre for Education Excellence (GCEE), the initiatives fall into the category of Action, Research, and Consultancy (ARCS) which actively promote training and encourages students to explore the solution to any life problem.