Introducing the 9GEMs
GIIS’ 9GEMs offers a dynamic framework aimed at fostering all-round character development in students through an integrated, holistic approach to learning. Fusing the best of both Eastern and Western educational approaches, the 9GEMs model takes value-based learning beyond academics. The ultimate goal? Shaping future global citizens.
Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence is the hallmark of GIIS. We place the highest emphasis on excellence in academia, which is our primary GEM in the award-winning 9GEMs framework of holistic education. Through the integration of best practises in pedagogy, latest technology to facilitate education and the provision of a conducive environment, GIIS ensures that every student is exposed to collaborative, project-based learning techniques and cross-campus exchanges, to optimise their learning outcomes.
At the new GIIS SMART Campus, these practises will be elevated to a higher plane and have a greater reach, as the implementation will involve latest tools and facilities that will better aid the variety of educational projects, experiential learning and team discussions that are useful for 21st century learning.
Through newer teaching methods, wider exposure to knowledge, state-of-the-art libraries and dedicated student rooms for many activities, GIIS SMART Campus will make academic excellence synonymous with our pedagogy.
Sports Excellence
Sports fields are classrooms where students learn the importance of teamwork and dedication. It teaches hard work, and sportsmanship which helps build character. At GIIS, we are committed to shaping our students’ skills at various sports activities, and honing them into well-rounded individuals. Progress is measured qualitatively and quantitatively to help students understand their strengths and focus on improving their weaknesses. As part of our 9GEMs framework, this method of providing holistic education focuses on just on intellectual abilities of our students but also the fitness of their body.
At GIIS SMART Campus, in addition to brand new facilities, better indoor and outdoor play fields and wider options to choose from, we have additional tools of sports analytics - a unique system that captures on-field data to provide player information that can be reprocessed to enhance the overall performance of our students. Our basketball court, for instance, is connected through sensors to analytics used at the level of American NBA, which measures every movement of the player to inform how games can be improved in future.
Art is an expression of thoughts, emotions and desires - an area of pedagogy which is as important as academia and sports. Students of a certain age connect more closely with the outside world through various forms of art - like dancing, painting, singing and crafting among others. At GIIS, an early exposure to digital and visual art helps our students explore and discover the artist in themselves, which in turn helps them to express their innermost thoughts through easy platforms. This fosters their creativity and promotes out-of-the-box thinking and imagination.
At GIIS SMART Campus, there are dedicated spaces and rooms especially beneficial to students who want to explore the artist within. Dance studios, audio-visual studios, performing arts studios and many other platforms will be available to them to find their inner calling as artists, as well as polish their natural talent to add a third dimension to their overall personality.