The GIIS SMART Campus has deployed Motion Sensors in selected areas of the building, like common corridors and toilets, which will automatically control lighting when it senses movement in the vicinity.
A stock picture showing the use of tablets to control lights and other electronic instruments in a room
Automatic Lighting control system
All lights will operate at 15% of their capacity at all times until motion is detect, in which case, the lights would increase in scale to 75% power. Their intensity can be further increased or decreased in precise LUX terms, as per requirements of the user, or the system can be programmed to cover capacity of the campus space in use.
The GIIS SMART classroom have been fitted with energy saving features. Teachers can use their ID cards to automatically switch off classroom lights when leaving the room for other activities.
building management suite
In the event of an important broadcast from the Principal’s office, the GIIS SMART system will automatically switch off classroom lights to enable students to watch the session in ambient light, thus further reducing energy consumption.
At all other times, the building management suite (BMS) is designed to automatically shutdown the lights and aircon outside school hours or when the area is not in use.